cat pee in bed

How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Your Mattress (Super-Simple Guide)

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Cats are great. They are the favorite pets for a lot of folks. They are loving and independent and are essentially the bread and butter of high-quality internet memes.

Scientists have suggested that having a cat around can alleviate stress, improve sleep, decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, and even improve your social life.

True story! Studies have shown that girls are more attracted to guys with a pet than those without. On the other hand, cat urine (in your mattress, at that) isn't so great.

Why Does Cat Keep Peeing on Mattress?

cat pee in bed

Though cats can decrease stress, they can also increase stress when they urinate where they're not supposed to. You may have to deal with a pee spot in your bed and find yourself wondering if your cat is attempting to spite you or in case you've got a faulty version – they are not, and you do not.

There are many reasons that a cat may use your mattress to ease themselves, but actively trying to drive you mad (though a probable side-effect) isn't among those reasons. Hence, first things first: Take a deep breath.

Several medical problems may cause cats to have difficulty controlling their bladder. Bladder infections, kidney stones, arthritis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and urinary tract infections are some of the most common health issues that could be causing your cat to have accidents.

Dietary changes may also cause incontinence. If this accident isn't an isolated event, if your cat appears to be experiencing some other pain, or if their habits have changed, speak with your vet about your kitty's health.

Social and Environmental changes may cause cats to feel stressed and anxious, leading to urination outside the litter box. When there happen to be major changes in your household, like a new baby, pet, or spouse, your cat may be feeling somewhat anxious and forgetting its toilet behavior.

Ensure that your cat has space where they feel safe and protected and that they're getting enough attention. Cats can also be a bit finicky and have choices about their litter box. Their box must be in a private and safe place – make sure that it isn't next to the washing machine or in direct sight of the dog's bed.

Kittens and cats must have a convenient and secure place that they can easily get in and out of to perform their job. Aging cats might require a box with lower sides, and softer litter and kittens require a box that's always close enough for them to reach quickly because their bladder control matures.

It's also important to be sure you have sufficient litter boxes and they're suitable for your kitty. A good guideline is to get one litter box per cat, plus one more. You should also be sure that you have a box on each level of your home if it's multiple levels.

Greater access to litter boxes may imply less reading of posts about how to get cat urine out of your mattress. Though we would like to be here for you, we know you would probably rather be reading or seeing something else.

Okay, let us get down to it.

Products to Clean Cat Urine

cat pee in bed

Ensure you have everything you need before you begin the procedure for eliminating cat urine out of your mattress. Having the appropriate products and tools at the ready may make the procedure less stressful than it already is. You will need:

A couple of dry and clean rags or towels. You may go through these fairly quickly, so ensure you have enough at hand.

Gloves. You do not need them, but you may want them.

Plastic sheets or tarps. These will protect your mattress from the floor and your floor from the mattress.

A cleaner. Whether you buy a cleaner specially designed for the job or use one of those home-remedy cleansers we mention below, you will need something to eliminate the stain and odor.

Baking soda. Baking soda is the ultimate “if it is not broken, do not fix it” method for drawing moisture from fabrics.

A house vacuum cleaner or Shop-Vac. A broom can also work, but a vacuum cleaner will do a much better job of picking up moist baking soda without spreading it around.

Now that you have all the tools you will need to get cat urine out of your mattress, and it is time to get to work.

How to Get Cat Pee from a Mattress

If your kitty has confused your mattress as a fantastic place to squat, get to cleaning the mess when possible to stop the stain from sinking in or placing. If you catch it after dried out, try baking powder glue or vinegar to divide the odor-causing stain.

The cleaning method we have laid out is also a terrific way to get fresh cat pee odor from your cushions. Follow these steps for comprehensive clean-up:

1. Absorb Liquid

Begin by soaking up residual moisture and urine using a dry, clean towel or rag (you will need several of them through the cleaning procedure). Gloves are optional but highly advised.

2. Get Your Workspace

Prepare the mattress for cleaning: move outside it to a clean, dry place if you can, or use plastic sheets and towels or tarps to secure your box spring, bed frame, or flooring from any water damage.

3. Saturate

Saturate the place with a few cups of water to dilute the urine and flush out the odor.

Hint: Do not be too worried about your mattress becoming wet. The place is already wet with urine, so water should not do any more harm. If you wash it properly and wash it thoroughly, your mattress ought to be okay.

4. Absorb Again

Use another dry towel to put pressure on the place and absorb moisture.

5.Use Cleaner

Use about 1/2 cup of your favorite cleaner to saturate the place (either spray or squirt an even layer over the affected region). Some Great cleaners include:

  • enzyme cleaners which are specially made to break down organic substances
  • a vinegar solution
  • hydrogen peroxide and gentle detergent mix
  • feel free to add essential oils into your cleaning solution to give off a more pleasing fragrance

6. Absorb Yet Again

Let the cleaner soak for about 15 minutes, then use a clean, dry towel to apply pressure and absorb more moisture in the place – we advocate piling something heavy, such as books, on the towels and leaving them to soak up moisture for a couple of hours.

7. Use Baking Soda

Sprinkle the place with baking soda to pull moisture out and neutralize odor.

8. Dry

Allow your mattress to dry out for 2-3 days completely. Here are some suggestions for drying your mattress:

  • When the weather allows, leave the mattress out in a clean area to dry out in sunlight.
  • Maintain a standing fan always directed towards the place
  • If you want to sleep on it, cover the place in towels and make your bed normal. Return the mattress to drying style in the morning.

9. Clean Baking Soda Gradually

Sweep or vacuum up baking soda as it absorbs moisture. Reapply as necessary until your mattress is totally clean and dry.

Preventing Future Pee

cat pee in bed

If your cat has acquired a bad habit or has indicated your mattress with its odor, it might take a little bit of patience and time for them to relearn proper potty training. In the meantime, you can prevent your mattress from the additional mess in a couple of unique ways.

At the risk of stating the obvious, if you are concerned about what your cat will do, keep them out of your bed and keep your bedroom door closed.

It would help if you also were sure that your cat's litter box is appealing, clean, safe, and easy to get. You may be dreading having to wash your kitty's box more frequently, but it is significantly easier than cleaning cat urine from your mattress, right?

If you don't want to reverse your cat's bedroom privileges, you can protect your mattress with a watertight topper or put money into a mattress with a removable and washable cover. A couple of popular beds which have a machine washable cover include Puffy, Novosbed, and YogaBed.

Essential oils can also be useful in preventing your kitty from using your bed for a litter box. There are some smells that cats cannot stand. These are bananas, citrus fruits, mustard seed, Cayenne, and lavender, amongst others.

You may think about spraying your mattress or some other spots that you want to discourage your cat from asserting with these fragrances. Hopefully, this has been useful, and you can proceed with a clean mattress and no hidden anger toward your cat.

Final Thoughts

With a little attention and work, cleaning cat urine from your mattress is simple enough. It is best to clean the bedding as soon after your cat provokes it as you can, but if you find the injury too late, do not give up hope it's still possible to fix it with a few more elbow grease.

But if you catch the injury in time, following the actions outlined above — and repeating if necessary — is just one of your best chances for taking away the cat pee from your mat.

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