How to Clean a Mattress Using All-Natural Products in 10 Easy Steps

French Country Comforter Sets

If you don’t clean your mattress in a timely fashion, you’ll have to deal with the itchy feeling of waking up to an unpleasant face-full of dust mites and pet hair. Not to mention, the mattress will start smelling like a wet dog… eating stale Doritos. In this article, we’re going to explain how to … Read more…

Quick & Easy Ways To Fluff Your Flat Pillow

how to fluff a pillow

Quick & Easy Ways to Fluff Your Flat Pillow Flat pillows are a nuisance, aren’t they? They can cause discomfort while you sleep, which leads to sore neck and headaches. If you keep using a flat pillow, you might even throw your spine out of balance. So, it is better to fluff up your pillow … Read more…

Ways to Prevent Back Pain in Bed

Back pain from sleeping on a poor mattress

Back pain is not only a major source of pain, but can also keep you up from having a good night’s sleep. Once you suffer from back pain during the night, you have a hard time recovering from it and are out of luck when it comes to solutions. The main cause of back pain … Read more…

What is Sleep Efficiency and How Is It Connected to Sleep Quality?

A comfortable online mattress can improve your sleep efficiency

You are probably not sleeping as much as you think you are. You go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am but you still feel tired and poorly rested despite spending 8 hours in bed. The problem is that you probably didn’t spend all that time asleep. You may have actually slept for … Read more…

What is Sleep Latency and How Does It Affect Your Sleep Quality?

Sleep on a comfortable online mattress to reduce sleep latency

In my last blog post, I talked about sleep efficiency, which is a measure of sleep quality. Today I’ll explain another closely related sleep metric called sleep latency which is also an important indication of your overall sleep quality. How long does it take you to fall asleep when your head hits the pillow? 1 … Read more…

Is It Healthy To Sleep With My Dog At Night?

is it healthy to sleep with your dog

According to the America Pet Products Association (APPA), about 50% of pet owners allow their pets to sleep with them.

Many dog lovers in particular sleep with their canines and they believe there are some benefits of doing that.

However, some people believe that to sleep with a dog poses some health challenges.

To clear this confusion up, the following discussion outlines the pros and cons of sleeping with your dog in bed every night.

Pros Of Sleeping With A Dog

A dog is man's best friend so by sharing a bed; the two will be just strengthening their bond. A dog wants to be close to his human companion, so there may be nothing wrong in allowing him in your bed.  

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How Often Should I Wash My Sheets? New Research Makes It Clear

wash dirty bed sheets

According to a recent survey, only 41% of American women wash their sheets once a week. About 33% of men do the same.  Yikes!

Comfortable sleep is right for your mental health, and you can only achieve this by sleeping on clean bed linen.

According to experts, you must wash your sheets at least once a week – and there are many benefits for doing this.

Regular washing of sheets can help you to sleep peacefully at night. There are also other benefits to washing sheets, like the fresh scent of clean sheets that helps you sleep better.

The cleanliness of your sheets also helps to prevent elements like dust, bacteria, and allergies that can disrupt your sleep.

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Memory Foam vs. Spring Mattress: Does It Really Matter?

memory foam vs. spring mattress

Mattress companies love to tout the benefits of their unique technologies.  More than anything, they like to talk about the benefits of foam vs. spring.

Ignore that noise.

While it's true that technology and construction can contribute to comfort, it's just a damn lie to say that either memory foam mattress or an innerspring mattress is better for everyone.

You need to look deeper than that.

This article explains the differences between the two most popular types of mattresses sold online and describes what types of sleepers benefit most from each – and why.

>> See My Favorite Innerspring Mattress  >>

>> See My Favorite Memory Foam Mattress  >>


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Memory Foams Explained: Do They Really Differ That Much?

memory foam layers

Mattress shopping is already a hassle, and deciding between different memory foams make it an even harder task.

One of the most popular questions we get is “do memory foams really differ that much, or is it all just marketing hype?”.

The quick answer is: it depends on what you care about.

There are three main types of memory foams on the market: visco-elastic, gel-infused and plant-based.  Each offers a different level of heat dissipation, bounce and other features.

This article will help you understand the differences among these three types of foam and hopefully make it easier for you to select the best memory foam mattress for your needs.

>> See My Favorite Memory Foam Mattress NOW  >>

Why Do People Buy Memory Foam Mattresses?

Quality, cost and comfort are the most reasons people select a memory foam mattress.

Memory foam mattresses are often considered the most comfortable type of mattress because memory foams are very malleable and conform well to any body shape, which helps to evenly disperse body weight over the surface of the bed & to relieve pressure points in joints such as the hips and shoulders.

With less pressure concentrated on any part of the body, the body’s blood circulation increases and less pain develops, resulting in a better night’s sleep.

Most memory foams are also antimicrobial, keeping dust mites and other nasty bugs at bay, which allows for a healthier sleeping space.

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Firm vs. Soft Mattress: Which One is Right For You?

Ghostbed Vs Purple online mattress comparison

Even with the advent of online mattresses, there is still one aspect of mattress shopping that confounds shoppers; whether to buy a soft or firm mattress. Granted, most online mattress companies have made it easier to make a decision. Not because people are sure what kind of mattress they need but because they can make … Read more…